What is Tendinopathy?

Tendinopathy is a common injury in sports people, manual workers and even the general population. In simple terms, it is a pathology or injury to a tendon.  Common symptoms of tendinopathy include localised pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness in the affected tendon. Pain may worsen during or after activity, and in some cases, it may persist even during rest.

Tendinopathy often occurs due to overuse or a failed healing response.  While it can develop in any tendon in the body, it is most common in the patella (knee cap), achilles tendon, rotator cuff (shoulder), hamstrings, and elbow (tennis/golfers elbow).

Recovery and Management

For a number of reasons recovery from tendinopathy is known to be slow, but this is normal. There are a number of things to consider in the effective management of tendinopathy but arguably the most important step is load management and load optimisation.

Following this, and once symptoms allow, strengthening will then play an important role in your recovery. It is important to remember that management will vary between individuals based on pain irritability, stages of recovery and goals.

Not all tendinopathies present the same, and as such management is most successful if your recovery plan is individualised to you. Because of this, it is recommended you seek professional guidance and undergo a thorough history and assessment to ensure a targeted and effective treatment plan is designed for the specifics of your tendinopathy.

At ACE Physiotherapy Mackay, we specialise in the management of tendinopathy and are more than happy to provide the support and guidance you need to aid recovery.

Make an appointment by phoning
+61 7 4848 1130 or click below to book online.

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